From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Measure social media success

Measure social media success

- [Instructor] With social media marketing you can track and measure your results and determine how well your content engages your customers. But measurement is a lot more than just counting likes. You have to decide what you're measuring upfront and then figure out your key performance indicators or KPIs. So how do you decide what's most important to measure? Well, that depends on what you're trying to achieve. Start by reviewing your business goals and objectives. Say your Two Trees Olive Oil and you want your customers to enter a contest. Or what about Topsy Turvy? For them success is increasing wedding cake orders over a set period of time. I'd like you to take a moment now to reflect on how you are measuring your social media marketing activities. Are you focusing on your business outcomes? What KPIs are you using? You can pause a video for a few minutes while you write down your thoughts. Great, and if you have any…
