From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Identify and train your team

Identify and train your team

- [Instructor] Most small businesses can't afford the luxury of a full-time social media team. So sometimes social media falls to you, the owner, who is often way too busy juggling all your other priorities or maybe you try to spread social media responsibilities among your staff and they start complaining that they just don't have the time. Now, some companies outsource social media to an agency but regardless of the route you take, creative skills are essential for your team. Because social media requires creativity, the folks who manage it for your business should have some skills in photography, video production, and design. You should also have a talented and conversational writer whose posts show they understand your customers and you need a researcher who can source ideas and content to curate and identify which influencers you may want to connect and partner with for your brand. Not everyone has a personality…
