From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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How to conduct an A/B test

How to conduct an A/B test

- [Instructor] Before social media, marketing your business was a much simpler task. Maybe you'd place an ad on a local TV or radio show, and then hope your message was right. Social media lets you test your creative and adjust your campaign in real time. Let's look at Topsy-Turvy Bakery. Suppose they want to write a newsletter about cake making tips, and then share that on social media. Maybe they've come up with two headlines they like, and they aren't sure which one their customers would prefer. If they have a large email marketing list, they could do an A/B test and compare their two creative options to determine which headline performs best. Topsy-Turvy could randomly choose a few hundred people from their list, divide them into two groups, and then send one group first idea in the subject line, and the second group would get the other. Then, they could analyze which headline had a better open or click-through rate and…
