From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Establish your social media policy

Establish your social media policy

- [Narrator] Social media is a two-way street, and that's one of its best qualities and also one of the scariest because you never know when something might go wrong. For instance, what happens if one of your employees takes a casual tone a little too far on social with your best customer and the fallout happens in public? That's why your business needs a social media policy that's communicated clearly to your staff. Think of your social media policy as your online code of conduct that sets the tone for your brand's culture, digital presence, and persona. Here are some of the topics you'll want it to include. Acceptable behavior and language, respect, responsibility, transparency, and disclosure. And be clear about whether or not you moderate your comments and how often you respond. At some point, you'll want to run your policy by your attorney to make sure you're not saying anything that might get you into trouble,…
