From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Develop your social media workflow

Develop your social media workflow

- [Instructor] When it comes to your workflow on social media, it's important to prioritize where you and your team can make a difference. As I mentioned, pick the channels your customers are already using and identify roles and responsibilities for who's managing each of your platforms. And establish your approvals process early and let your team members know when they have the latitude to simply respond. As you get organized, you'll want to figure out the types of content you'll be sharing and how often you'll post. Develop a manageable schedule and be consistent. Then determine how you'll store and organize your digital assets like videos, photos, and other media so they're accessible to everyone who needs them. Encourage your team's creativity by preparing a shared document where everyone can contribute ideas, images, and links. That way you'll foster a sense of collaboration. You may want to schedule your posts…
