From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

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Assess your customers' social media habits

Assess your customers' social media habits

From the course: Social Media Marketing for Small Business

Assess your customers' social media habits

- [Instructor] How well would you say you know your customers? If you ask them to describe how your small business makes 'em feel, what would they say? To do well in social media marketing, you have to understand your customers and the way they want to engage with you on social media. Start by identifying your primary audience. How old are they? What's their income? Are they busy moms with young families, budget conscious shoppers? How do they behave? Do they buy from you because you're close or because they can't find your products anywhere else? Are they loyal or transactional? And how do they use social media and what are they currently missing that only your company can provide? Find out by watching what they do in the social media wild. You can also learn a lot about your customers and how they use social media on the marketing platforms you are already on. So if you have a mailing list or a newsletter ask…
