From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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What legacy do you want to leave as a manager?

What legacy do you want to leave as a manager?

From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

What legacy do you want to leave as a manager?

- Imagine this. You just announced your retirement. To celebrate, your employees and colleagues throw you a retirement party. As you're sitting there reminiscing and sharing laughs, you hear a special announcement. Surprise, your current and former employees come to the stage to say a few words. My question for you, if you could write the script, what would they say about you? Specifically, what words or phrases would they use to describe you, your personality, or your management abilities? You can intentionally build a legacy that you can be proud of starting in your first 90 days as a new manager. So what is a management legacy and why is it so important? Your legacy is your reputation that lives on after you're gone. So it's important to focus on your reputation now to help shape your future legacy. Your reputation is based on your communication, actions, decisions, and character traits. These influence how your…
