From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Tracking your progress as a new manager

Tracking your progress as a new manager

- You made it. Congratulations on completing the course. I hope that you feel empowered, excited, and well-equipped as you enter your new role as manager. Remember, these skills require time and consistency to see the results that you desire. As you implement them in your first 90 days, you and your team will see and appreciate the fruits of your labor. I highly recommend tracking your progress as you embark on your management journey. Take time to write down reflections at the end of each week and goals for the next. For example, you can reflect on a conversation you had with one of your staff. What did you learn about them? And how can you use that to further develop your relationship next week? Or think about a communication strategy you implemented and the level of response. Is there any way you can improve and get more responses next time? Think about what you implemented and how you want your team to respond.…
