From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Regaining trust that's been lost

Regaining trust that's been lost

- Have you ever heard the phrase, "Trust takes years to build and seconds to break"? As you step into your new role, this is a quote that you need to remember throughout your management career. As a new manager, mistakes will happen. Although unintentional, they can result in trust being broken. There are ways to tell if this has happened on your team, and it's important that you pay attention. Here are a few examples. Your employees avoid or limit their communication with you. Sarcasm or passive-aggressive language is used more often. Your team begins to miss deadlines and overlook obvious errors. And/or members on your team begin to call in sick on a regular basis. As you begin forming relationships with your team, you will notice if their behavior changes. Once you realize trust has been broken, it's important to take a deep breath and remember you can fix this. Repairing trust will take time and consistency, but…
