From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Introducing yourself as a new manager

Introducing yourself as a new manager

- Can you remember the last time you heard an introduction that wowed you? Now, think about some of the things that impressed you about the introduction. I'm guessing that it was positive, engaging, and relatable. Most of all, it was memorable. Today, you are going to learn how to create a memorable introduction that gets your new team excited to work with you. When it comes to crafting your introduction, begin with the end in mind. This means deciding what you want your team to know about you. Thinking about what you want them to remember and how you want them to feel after meeting you is also important. Ask yourself the following questions to help you determine what message you want to convey. What type of impression do I want to make? What am I comfortable sharing about my personal life? How do I want people to feel? If my staff walks away remembering only one thing, what do I want that to be? For example, if you…
