From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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How do you know you're leading with intention?

How do you know you're leading with intention?

From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

How do you know you're leading with intention?

- If you're not motivating or inspiring your team on a consistent basis, you will decrease their level of loyalty, engagement, and productivity. As a manager, leading with intention is key to your professional success and the growth of each individual on your team. Soon you will understand how to motivate and inspire your team by being intentional about your decisions and actions. Intention means on purpose or doing something deliberately. Decisions and actions that take place on purpose are planned, thought out, and designed to achieve certain goals. As a manager, your intentions will automatically send a message to your employees. It is up to you to determine what type of message this is. Imagine that you've been discussing return-to-work plans with your executive team. You've come up with the strategy to bring employees back in stages and have even selected who will be in each stage. After finalizing plans, you decide…
