From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Building trust as a new manager

Building trust as a new manager

- Your employees want to trust you, above wanting to, they need to trust you in order to professionally thrive and do their best work. During your first few months in your new role, your employees will be watching you closely, they will observe your behavior and actions in order to determine if you are trustworthy. Being mindful and intentional with how you carry yourself will be instrumental in their perception of you. Practicing confidentiality, reliability, and transparency will benefit you and them long term. During your first 90 days, you will learn a lot about your employees personally and professionally through working on projects, one-on-one meetings, and even during a lunch run. This means they may share personal information with you about themselves or their families. To build trust you should treat all conversations as confidential, avoid sharing your employee's stories with their colleagues, information…
