From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Balancing your role as an employee and manager

Balancing your role as an employee and manager

From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

Balancing your role as an employee and manager

- Does the idea of prioritizing your career growth and quickly settling into your new role seem overwhelming? As a new manager, developing both at the same time can be challenging. The good news is, you can do it by implementing three practices into your routine, time, realistic expectations, and balance. I'm going to walk you through how you can adapt to your new role and apply methods that will help you excel for your boss and your team. First, give yourself some time. Settling into your new role will require you to practice patience. You will not learn, experience, or understand all the ins and outs of your position overnight. It usually takes an average of three to six months to learn the basics of a new role. With this in mind, you can begin setting realistic expectations for yourself. Aim to meet one attainable goal each month. For example, when I first began my role as an executive director with a team of 30,…
