From the course: Skills for Your First 90 Days as a New Manager

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Assessing your impact as a manager

Assessing your impact as a manager

- Professional growth comes from self-awareness and the willingness to ask for feedback. Honest and constructive feedback will give you the opportunity to make adjustments to your management style, communication, and actions. Let's walk through the ways you can ask for feedback from your new team and assess your performance as a new manager. One of the most exciting parts of being a new manager is being able to set the stage for how your team will communicate with you when it comes to performance, feedback, and suggestions. Setting the tone is essential for receiving direct and honest feedback on your performance. This will require you to share your intentions and desires for self-improvement with your staff and supervisor. For example, when I was a manager, I always received the most feedback from my assessments, because my staff understood my desire to grow and become the best manager I could be. I would often demonstrate…
