From the course: Sketch: Style Guides and Asset Libraries

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The importance of a design system

The importance of a design system - Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Sketch: Style Guides and Asset Libraries

The importance of a design system

- [Instructor] A design system, especially when you have a large team of designers and developers, is crucial to set the proper structure for the designs. All the members of the team need to have the proper vision of the UI, so when they work on the code and assets, they follow a guide and there are no surprises at the end of the day. A good example are buttons. How big they should be, what color, and what specific font should be used to be exactly the same design as the stakeholders of the company or the project expect to see, approved when you were in the design stage, etc. The design system provides all these details for all to see and go back to. So let's take a quick look at the project we'll use as the basis of our design system. So let's look into the exercise files, and right here you have purchase flow. Click on it so it opens in Sketch. And this is the project that I've built in another course, and we're…
