From the course: Sketch: Style Guides and Asset Libraries

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Examples of design systems

Examples of design systems

- [Instructor] Let's explore a few examples of design system, as not all of them are made equal. They all have the same goal, but took a slightly different approach to execute it. So the first one is Material Design, and this is from Google. And basically if you look at any Android applications, you're going to see this. And this is a design that I've used in a couple of my courses. So if you want to take a look at it, you can basically browse through here. You can take a look at the styles, so the colors, the icons that are used. You can also look at the typography, so the fonts, what are the fonts used. And then the actual components, so these are the components that are built for Material Designs. For example, the cards, and you have all the details here and so on, so forth. So this is a very thorough design system from Google. Then you can take a look also at Apple. And Apple obviously uses this design system…
