From the course: Sketch: Style Guides and Asset Libraries

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Adding button elements

Adding button elements

- [Instructor] Now let's add the buttons that we have in our design for our design system. So let's go ahead and go back to our designs and grab every button that we have. So we have the save button, we have the plus button here we have these elements here. So let's go ahead and grab them. So I'm going to start with this guy here. So let's go into the card. And we have this element here that we're going to grab. We're going to copy it, go into a design system and paste it under the button section. Now the way it's organized right now, I really don't like it. So what I'm going to do is put menu a little above like that the menu's under, since I have only one. And you want to make sure you move everything. So the background plus the category like so. And then grab the buttons and put them on the side here. And then I'm going to paste my first button and put it here. And then let's go ahead and grab this other one here, copy…
