From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics

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(upbeat music) - [Instructor] We're going to build the pages for the bike shop using a Sketch library. Our library is going to be the Bike shop symbols file, which has all of the symbols that we need for our bike shop app, as well as a little information in terms of the patterns that we're going to be using. Let's add this file as a library. This will make it available to any other document that we create. We're going to close this and open up a new Sketch file. Within this file, we're going to create six artboards. Let's start with one. This is our splash screen, so name the screen, change the background color. We have our file available to us here because this is a library. We can insert the logo, which is available within our symbols, like so. And we want to add the strap line. Let's change this text to an H2. And make that white. And if we center this, we have a sort of landing page for the…
