From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics

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- [Instructor] We're going to create a home screen for a bike shop app. This is the solution to a challenge. To start with, I'm going to add a heading. So if I add a heading here, it will say Discover because our home screen is sort of the jump-off point for our app. I'm going to set the text size to 32 pixels and I'm going to set the line height to 40. That's a bit of text there. I'm going to call this my heading so that I can find it later. I want this to be placed at 24 pixels from the left and 70 pixels from the top. Next, I'm going to add a shape, which I will fill in with an image. I want this shape to be roughly 2/3 of my screen. So let's see, I have a height of 844. I'm going to make 844 over 2 times 3. No. 844 over 3 times 2. I can't stand this sort of unrounded number, so let's just make it 573. And we can see that the heading is behind the rectangle. So let's move that under and then I want to…
