From the course: Sketch Essential Training: The Basics

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- [Instructor] We're going to be learning about layouts in Sketch. At the end of this video, you'll be able to use grids, guides, and alignments. Let's start with putting a layout on our art board. It's important that you know what the width of your art board is. So here I'm using my iPhone 12 art board. Therefore, my width is 390 pixels. The layout I want is going to have 24-pixel margins on either side, and then I want eight-pixel gutters for my layout. So let's go to View, and then we go to Canvas, Layout Settings to set our grid. My total width is normally 390 pixels, but because I want the 48 pixels off the sides, I'm going to do that, which changes my value to 342 pixels. I'm going to do center this so that I have the 24 pixels on either side. I'm going to take away the gutter on the outside because I already have my margin, so I don't need a gutter as well. And I want eight pixels on the gutter width. I…
