From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Value-added activities

Value-added activities

- Think about what's valuable to you. When you go to a coffee shop and buy a cup of coffee, do you want warm coffee, hot coffee, iced coffee? What is it that you are willing to pay for? Maybe it's that yummy frothy cappuccino. Yes, now that's the value proposition. I'm willing to pay for that. Think about your everyday life then too. How many times have you gone into a meeting, there's no agenda, people are unprepared. You wasted the first 20 minutes of a meeting. It happens all the time. This is what we're going to eliminate. Waiting is a type of waste. Lean identifies three categories of waste. Muda is pure waste, such as waiting in a meeting. We do not want any of this type of waste in our processes because it's costing us valuable time and money. This also doesn't add any value to our process or our products. The customer does not want to pay for waste. Lean is focused on eliminating this type of waste. Mura…
