From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Understand Voice of the Customer

Understand Voice of the Customer

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Understand Voice of the Customer

- In both Six Sigma and Lean, it's important to know what your customer wants, and needs are. Value is defined from the customer's perspective. It's what the customer is willing to pay for. In Six Sigma, the term is the Voice of the Customer or VOC. Lean has a similar term describing the VOC as provide customer value. What attributes of your processes output are important to your customers, and how do you know? Think about your favorite food, like pizza. The Voice of the Customer listens to what people want with the pizza. "I want my pizza hot, crispy with a flavored crust." This is the Voice of the Customer. Most people think the Voice of the Customer is something that only your marketing or social media teams need to worry about. This is a common misconception that will hurt the development of your brand's voice. Instead, the Voice of the Customer is something that everyone at your company needs to buy…
