From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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The next step in your White Belt journey

The next step in your White Belt journey

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

The next step in your White Belt journey

- Stephen Covey would ask, "Have you ever been too busy driving to stop for gas?" For those in a similar situation, this program is designed for you. Many people think Lean Six Sigma is a set of tools or a checklist, but Lean is about the culture. Lean Six Sigma is expressed as respect for each individual, leading with humility. It's about building a sustainable culture of excellence. If you want to dive deeper into how that's done, please read my latest book "Building a Sustainable Lean Culture: An Implementation Guide." Your next steps could be to pursue a certification as a white belt, and then a green belt. Six Sigma offers a certification path through four levels. I'd love to hear about your successes. Feel free to reach out to me or connect with me on LinkedIn. Lean Six Sigma offers overwhelming benefits of blending the two in a unified approach for your projects. I hope this course has inspired you to find ways…
