From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Measure

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Measure

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Measure

- Measure is the phase where you start capturing as much data as you can get. Oftentimes, this could even just be from customer complaints. Figuring out what the actual data is that comes from the voice of the customer is what we do in the measure phase. Measure is understanding the data and processes with a view to specifications needed for meeting customer requirements. During the measure phase, measurement systems should be developed and evaluated, and current process performance should be measured. Key performance indicators should be determined during the measure phase followed by the collection of data. It should be understood when and where to gather the data and what sampling scheme should be used. Once the data is gathered, the quality of the data should be checked for accuracy to ensure the data is painting the right picture. Some of the questions we ask in the measure phase are the following. What are the…
