From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Control

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Control

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Lean Six Sigma phased approach: Control

- The basic part of the Control Phase is to make sure we don't go back to the old way of doing things. This is how we sustain our gains. It's like I exercise every day, and then if I just stop one day, I'm not going to be able to maintain the same weight if I continue to eat as much as I did and not do the exercise I used to do. I need some type of control. The Control Phase is where finalized control systems are determined and long-term capabilities are verified for sustainable and long-term success. There's a few key questions to ask in the Control Phase, such as "What standards and procedures should be implemented?" "How much improvement has the process actually shown?" "How will the process be monitored long-term?" It is important to understand how the process will continue to be measured once it is implemented. This can be performed through statistical process control and control plans that determine exactly who…
