From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Lean and Six Sigma together

Lean and Six Sigma together

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Lean and Six Sigma together

- Many people want to know what the difference between Lean and Six Sigma is. It should be known that the two methodologies go hand in hand and need each other to survive properly. Lean has methodologies around waste removal, organization and being more productive. Six Sigma is structured around eliminating defects and variation utilizing statistics. In order for Six Sigma to be incorporated properly, the beginning stages of Lean must be incorporated, which include the organization, the 5S perspective, and the elimination of unnecessary activities and waste. 5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that's clean, uncluttered, safe and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. Lean includes problem solving, standardized work, error proofing, value stream mapping, and visual management techniques. Six Sigma uses strategic analytical statistics to prove data is incorporated properly…
