From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

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Deliver customer value with continuous flow

Deliver customer value with continuous flow

From the course: Six Sigma: White Belt

Deliver customer value with continuous flow

- Flow is where work is done steadily, and materials and information are delivered as needed. Remember, Lean is not just another program of the month. It's a way of thinking. Lean is about the elimination of anything that makes us waste our time or resources. Think about something as simple as your kitchen. Doesn't it make more sense to have the coffee mugs by the coffee maker? What about the spices by the stove? Lean has a few key terms and processes that focus on getting your organization into this flow state. Takt Time is a Lean term that describes the targeted production cadence based on customer demand. Just in Time, sometimes abbreviated as J-I-T, is a methodology that gives the customer exactly what they want when they want it. The philosophy is all about the customer, and ensures customer satisfaction. J-I-T is a process that uses fewer resources, while exposing problems, and being able to expose waste at the…
