From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Review and reconcile goals

Review and reconcile goals

- Once you've gone through the goal setting process, you need to take a step back, and look at all the goals in their entirety, and reconcile them. Make sure after the goals are set, you review them and reconcile them for things like double counting. And clearly define how you're going to measure each of the goals. You'll also want to look at having people understand what everybody else's goals are, so they can look for opportunities to help one another, or possibilities, where goals may be in conflict. Make those goals public. It will help you understand what some of the dependencies might be. You may have a situation where I can't hit my goal, until Joe hits his goal of implementing the system changes. So then you know, if that goal doesn't happen, then this goal is at risk. Some of the biggest challenges you're going to find as it relates to goal setting, and incentives are double counting and measurement. In…
