From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Outline activities to achieve goals

Outline activities to achieve goals

- If you're serious about actually hitting the goals you set you need to break those goals down into specific activities that are going to help you achieve it. A sales goal can be broken down into the number of calls to make, the number of contracts to write, the amount of product to sell to the customer, the amount of product to deliver to the customer. Having those specific activities outlined is going to drive daily behaviors that move you toward the goal. And those behaviors can be measured and tracked. I've had a couple of these examples lately. I'm writing a book right now, and my first draft manuscript is due February 15th. When I break that down into specific activities, I end up with a list that consists of writing the book outline and chapter descriptions. Another task is writing each of the 19 chapters. I'll have to create diagrams and illustrations for each chapter. I have to get reviewers and editors to read…
