From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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One-third, two-third method for stretch goals

One-third, two-third method for stretch goals

- A lot of times, I get asked, how can I set a good stretch goal? I like to tell people to use the 1/3, 2/3 rule. For the gap between your commit and your stretch, your team should have a good sense for how they might close 2/3 of that gap, and no idea for where the other 1/3 will come from. Why 2/3, 1/3? Well, if it's more than 1/3 that they don't know where it's going to come from, they're going to give up and just say, this is too hard, I don't have any ideas. If it's less than 1/3, it may be too easy and they might coast. The way to create this list and understand what this 1/3, 2/3 is, is gather a list from your team for ideas beyond the commit, and add them up. Let me walk through an example. Let's say we set a commit goal of X, and now we're trying to figure out what the stretch is. I ask the team, I need all your best ideas for how we're going to drive revenue beyond that commit event. The team goes off, they…
