From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Learn when to revise goals

Learn when to revise goals

- The world changes every day, and when it does goals should change with it. Staying stuck with irrelevant goals breaks the relevant rule for SMART goals. Having an irrelevant goal gets people doing things they shouldn't, and avoiding things that they should be working on. You need to recast their goals when appropriate. People will do what their incentives tell them to do. When there's a valid reason to revise a goal, go through the goal-setting process again, and let people know what their new goals are and why you changed it. Also, adjust their incentives accordingly. When the world changes, you need to make sure that goals shift with it. I know a financial services firm that was focusing on profitability. Everyone's goals were tied to a profit number, and then the world changed. Some regulators came in and evaluated the organization, they put the company on a memorandum of understanding for a lack of adequate…
