From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Learn when to review goals

Learn when to review goals

- Once you've set your goals and your outtaking action to achieve them, you need to measure, you need to monitor and see if you're on track. Track progress regularly enough that you can make changes, but not so frequently that you're just wasting everybody's time. Measurement takes effort. Be mindful of how frequently you're going to look at a metric. If you have a metric that you're trying to move that's a long cycle, break it up into smaller milestones. Set interim measures that you can monitor to know if you're on track for hitting that goal. Maybe you can look for leading indicators that a goal is going well or you can review tasks or milestones for projects to see if you're on track. Finally, when you do review goals and look at progress, manage by exception, so you don't waste time talking about goals that are on track. I've been in plenty of status meetings where we had 20 different metrics and you know what…
