From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Learn to build goals from the top down

Learn to build goals from the top down

- Goals shouldn't just tie from your strategy down to the individual goals. When you add your goals up, they also need to align from corporate goals down to the individual. Ensure everyone's work is headed in the same direction and people know how they fit in, how their work contributes to the broader goals we're trying to achieve. The way you do this is you work from the vision down to subcomponents, then down to subcomponents below that, all the way down to individual goals. Goals should cascade from the highest levels down. And when you add them all up, hopefully, it's more than you're trying to get to at the top level. Why? Well, you want to make sure that you hit that goal. By overallocating that goal across the organization, you're going to increase the chances that you hit the big goal. I work for an operating division at one point, and we had a goal of $200 million of revenue. There were five regions in the…
