From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Learn to build goals from the bottom up

Learn to build goals from the bottom up

- In addition to building your goals from the top-down, a useful exercise is to build goals from the bottom-up. It helps get team buy-in and it can identify new opportunities for upside. For bottom-up goals, start with what the team thinks they can commit to. What they can deliver. Ask them what they can stretch to. Then work from those individual drivers, those individual goals, up to the bigger metrics that matter for the organization. If you have an organization that's trying to drive sales and you have a team full of sales reps, you may look at the individual bottom-up goals of number of calls that they're going to make in an hour. Those then roll up to the number of calls that they're able to connect on in an hour, which rolls up to a broader goal of the number of pitches that they're making to customers, and a goal above that of how many pitches are being accepted by the customer. That can tie to a bigger goal of…
