From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to use goals to change behavior

How to use goals to change behavior

- The reason we set goals is to drive different outcomes. That means behaviors need to change. You need to know what the current behavior is, what the preferred behavior should be, and have the right incentives in place to make people change to that new behavior. Explain to people which behaviors should change and how you're going to monitor those changes. What new skills do you need to build for your people? Do you need to train them, coach them? Give them different resources? What new information or resources will they need to demonstrate these new behaviors? If you want to hit your goals, tell people what the new behaviors are that you expect. Only setting the goal without telling them what the behavioral guidance is, is a recipe for failure. Make sure they know how they should change the way they work and reinforce those changes regularly. There's a consumer package goods company, who had a large sales force. That…
