From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to use goals to build new skills

How to use goals to build new skills

- Goals don't always have to be financial or metric based, You can set a goal for someone building a new skill, too. You can measure this through observation of their behavior, and then provide them the feedback of I saw you apply this behavior in this scenario and that goes toward you building this skill. You can also look for competencies or soft skills as they change behaviors related to delivering other goals, and again, measure this through ongoing coaching and feedback. I know one executive who wanted to be more strategic in their thinking. That was the skill they were trying to build. You can't put a number on that. The executive used to be too tactical and wouldn't stop and think before diving into the detail in a conversation. They laid out the new behaviors. Those behaviors included planning for meetings, thinking about and writing down possible questions that could come up in a meeting, communicating from the…
