From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to set zero-based goals

How to set zero-based goals

- When you're setting goals, you can borrow a technique from a common budgeting process. Zero-based budgeting. What you do with that is look at last year, forget about it, and then look at where you are today and what you can achieve going forward. Every dollar you're going to spend in the budget is justified. And every number you're going to deliver is based on your current reality. You can take this same approach with your goals. Don't let history always influence what you're capable of. You could be leaving a lot of value on the table. Instead, forget the past, look at what you have today in terms of resources, and build from the bottom-up to set your goals. If you achieved 10% growth last year, doesn't matter. Look at your resources today. Ask what they can achieve going forward because that will set a more appropriate goal. Imagine you're running a team of IT professionals. Last year, the team completed 47…
