From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to make goals specific

How to make goals specific

- The first characteristic of a good goal that you should focus on is that the goal is specific. Make the goal unambiguous. Tell people what to do, why they're doing it, who's accountable, and what the performance standards are. Don't have non-specific goals like we should optimize our performance. What does that mean? How are people going to behave if you just tell them go optimize our performance? They won't know what to work on. Make your goals specific. Tell them things like we're going to increase department sales by 12% to achieve a corporate sales increase of 8%. Let them know the performance standards. Those standards can be things like error rates, speed, safety incidents, quality scores. You can be driving a specific metric like profits or sales. Without specificity they're going to work on the wrong things or focus on the wrong outcomes and that's going to hurt performance and frustrate everybody…
