From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to make goals relevant

How to make goals relevant

- The next characteristic of a good goal is that the goal is relevant. If the goal doesn't matter to the organization or to the leader, the team won't understand why they're working on it. Let's say I set a goal for my team of I want you to knit 18 sweaters by the end of December. That goal is really specific, it's really measurable, and it's very actionable. The thing is, it might not be relevant, especially if I'm the head of the emergency room at a large hospital. And I'm giving people a goal of knitting sweaters? Now, this is an extreme example. But many times, we'll set goals that aren't relevant to the outcome we're trying to drive. If I want sales growth, I'm likely more interested in actual dollars of incremental sales, versus measuring new customers acquired. Why? It would seem like measuring new customers will tie to my sales goal. But here's the problem. If I set a goal for new customers versus sales…
