From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to make goals achievable

How to make goals achievable

- Another characteristic of a good goal is that that goal is achievable. If a goal is too extreme, people won't even try. You may have heard of the term Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. "That sounds great, let's set a huge goal for the team and they'll try really hard to achieve it." The thing is, those types of goals can be very demotivating. The team looks at it and they say, "We don't even have a chance. "We're guarantee to fail. "So you know what, forget it. "I'm not even going to try." Now, if a goal is too easy, people won't care about it or see it as meaningful. "Oh, 1% improvement? "No problem, I can do that in my sleep." and then what happens? They don't focus on it and they fail to have any impact. You need to balance how achievable a goal is. It can't be too easy, it can't be too hard. People need to feel like they can be successful, which includes the notion of them having the skills or being able to build…
