From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to create measurable goals

How to create measurable goals

- The second characteristic of a good goal is that it's measurable. If you can't measure a goal, you don't know if you're making program on it or not. You won't know if you succeeded in achieving it. And don't just think about the metric you're going to use. You have to think through what data you're going to pull. What reports are you going to use to track how you're tracking against the goal? What's the frequency of measurement you're going to use? What measurement method are you going to use? Will you use actual results or sampling? There's nothing worse than arguing about if you hit a goal or not because the data or reporting was questionable. If you spell those things out early in the goal-setting process, there's much more clarity on the back end as to whether or not you hit the goal. Make sure the measure is an accurate reflection of the desired outcome. If I want customer retention for my organization, I…
