From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to create a stretch goal

How to create a stretch goal

- In addition to setting a commit goal, you should also set a stretch. A stretch goal is what's going to push people to achieve more. It still needs to be achievable when you go back and look at SMART goals, but it won't have a guarantee of success. More often than not, you'll fall short of your hitting your stretch goal. If you're always hitting your stretch, you're not stretching far enough. So why should you set stretch goals? If you just set a commit goal, what might happen is when you hit that point in the year when you hit your commit, the team's just going to coast. They're going to say, "Well, we hit our goal. "We don't have to push ourselves so hard. "Let's just relax and get to the end of the year." A stretch goal gets them to continue performing. Once they hit the commit, there's still something more that they can go out and achieve. A stretch goal can motivate and excite people. When they hit it, it…
