From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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How to create a commit goal

How to create a commit goal

- When you set goals, I'll encourage you to set two kinds of goals. First is a commit goal and the second is a stretch. A commit goal is something you're committing to to the organization. If you miss it, you can get fired. There should be extreme consequences for missing a commit goal. To build your commit goal, work from the bottom up. Work directly with your team and have them make commitments to you as far as what they're going to deliver for their goals. You'll then need to reconcile the team's commits and make sure they all add up to your commit to your organization. At one point I had three different teams and we were tasked with a major cost reduction project. My boss came to me and asked me how much cost reduction would I commit to removing from the system. I went to my teams and I asked them how much cost they could take out, and I asked them for their goals. They gave me commit goals of one and a half…
