From the course: Setting Team and Employee Goals Using SMART Methodology

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Define how a goal is time bound

Define how a goal is time bound

- The last characteristic of setting a SMART goal is that it is time-bound. Set a time limit on the goal. It will create urgency and help focus the efforts of everyone involved. Without a time component, the goal becomes meaningless. I don't tell them when I need it done. They're going to take as much time as they need. The time-bound aspect of a goal enables progress tracking, and it helps you break the goal down into chunks of work that can be completed over time. I recently wrote a book with a co-author. We had a deadline for turning the manuscript in, and it had to be 50,000 words. We then broke that down into smaller, time-bound chunks. We had a spreadsheet, where we said by this date, we need this word count. And we also had first draft due by this date. We were able to track our progress every single day. We knew if we were getting ahead on our word count, or, more commonly, when we got behind. And when we did get…
