From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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What's worked well in the past

What's worked well in the past

- Now that you've got a new customer, you'll wanna keep them. Now, fortunately, storytelling can actually help your existing customers make better decisions about how to use what they've already bought from you. And of course, it's in your best interest to help them do that so they can become the most satisfied customers they can be. Now, here's some examples from the active travel company Backroads. So, let's say on a typical vacation trip with Backroads they have three options for each person to choose from for each day's activity. Now, what decision people make can have a huge impact on how much they enjoy the day. For example, on a biking day, if a novice biker chooses the longest, most difficult bike route, it's not gonna work out very well. Now, they'll be overwhelmed and late and tired when they get back. And if an experienced biker picks the easiest path, well, they're not gonna be challenged enough. So, getting people to make the best decision is critical. Now, the truth is…
