From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Take the stress out of the call

Take the stress out of the call

- Conducting a sales call can feel like a high-pressure situation. I mean ultimately, your livelihood is on the line, right? And that's stressful, but bringing that negative energy into the sale won't help your cause. So while the last story was to help you motivate yourself, this one is to help you relax and take the stress out of the sales call. Now my favorite example of that is in a book by Paul Lanigan and Denis Goodbody where their fictional main character says, "One of the most valuable techniques I have," and it sounds crazy at first but it makes sense, "Is to tell myself that I am financially independent "and I don't need this deal." Now I've found that by adopting that mindset, I can relax and care less instead of living with the burden of the whole company's future and that of its workforce on my shoulders. I become a gentleman of means indulging in some sport. Now I personally tried running that story through my head myself before a sales call with a potential speaking…
