From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Summarize the call

Summarize the call

- A final purpose of storytelling after the sales call isn't a story you tell the buyer or a story you tell yourself, it's a story you tell the other salespeople who work at your company, and it tells the story of the successful sale you just made or the one you just failed to make. Now, the purpose is to capture the wisdom from the call for you boss, your peers, or the next generation of salespeople calling on that customer. You know, we all know those wise old sales gurus who've been around and seen it all, and we love hearing their war stories about what worked and what didn't work. Well, you don't have to have been around for 40 years to remember a few great war stories if you're capturing your stories as they happen. Alright, here's an example from Steve Blair from his days as a salespeople for a major chocolate company. It was in the summer of 2010 and he was about a year into the job. He was calling on a buyer at a major drugstore chain. Now, the buyer, we'll call him David…
