From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Objection response

Objection response

- In almost every sales call, objections are likely to come up. And what that objection is is a negative story that's playing out in your buyer's head. And you can't beat a negative story with a fact. You can only beat it with a positive story. You know, here's an example of what that looks like. Right, Tiffany Lopez is a senior account executive at DataServ. And that's a company that helps businesses go completely paperless and manage all their payables, and receivables, and HR documents online. Well, one of the more common objections that she gets from a sales call goes something like this. You know, I know your system would save us time, and we're really busy right now, but I'm just not sure the return on that time savings would be worth the investment. Now when she digs a little deeper to find out what's behind that objection, she often finds the following story playing out in the prospect's head. Now if I didn't have to spend so much time on paperwork, I guess I could finally…
