From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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I'm not who you think I am

I'm not who you think I am

- Humans have a habit of judging people prematurely and for some reason, they seem to judge salespeople more harshly than most. So, if your prospect has some negative preconceived notions about you, you'll need to get past them, or your job's gonna be a lot harder than it should be. So, you can wait for months while those ideas gradually fade away and when they see that you're not really the person that they thought you might be. Or, you can change those notions in about two minutes with a well-chosen story. Alright, here's an example from a yearbook salesman that we'll call Brad. Now, prior to his yearbook sales job, Brad spent eight years teaching high school in Journalism and English back in Nebraska. Now, he was also the yearbook advisor, so he knew firsthand how big of a role the publisher sales rep plays in the yearbook process, and how much of a hassle it is to change to a new publisher, or even just to a new rep. But when Brad moved out of state to take the first yearbook…
