From the course: Selling with Stories, Part 2: Stories Great Sales People Tell

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Founding story

Founding story

- Nobody ever quit their job and started their own company for a boring reason, right? And that's why one story every salesperson should have in their arsenal is their company's founding story. It introduces the prospect of the person who started your company and helps them see and feel why it was started in the first place. Understanding the passion that founder was pursuing helps the prospect see your company, not just as an impersonal corporate machine, but as a collection of human beings on a mission. And that's a company your prospect is much more likely to want to do business with. All right, here's an example. In the last 1980s, Gary Erickson was living in San Francisco trying to hold down two jobs. All right, during the day he was managing a bicycle seat manufacturing company, but at night he was pursing his real passion, running his own bakery, Callie's Sweets and Savories. He'd named the bakery after his grandmother, who along with his mother, had taught him to bake when he…
